How To: Turmeric Face mask

Turmeric Face Mask

Something we all struggle with is acne. And after we think it’s all over, BAM! We have a dark mark. Many of us worry about treating the present pimples, to then worrying about getting rid of that dark stubborn mark that it left you also. As annoying as this can be, we have your solution. The turmeric face mask will be your life saver. Not only does this face mask get rid of your dark spots, but it gets rid of them in a short amount of time as well. Clean, smooth, radiant, blemish free, and vibrant complexion all at once. But first let’s talk about the causes of dark spots so they can be avoided for next time!

Causes of dark spots:

·         Sun damage is often a consequence of dark spots, frequent sun exposure causes dark marks that can occur on the skin.

·         Breakouts are the most common form of the causes of dark marks. When one constantly picks on their breakouts they will be left with a spot.

·         Traffic related pollution along with ultraviolet radiation can also be a cause and is most common on the cheeks.

·         Computer screens, TV screens, or any uncovered fluorescent lights can also be a known cause if exposed for a long period of time.


·         Avoid excessive sun exposure.

·         Avoid tanning beds

·         Let acne heal completely.

·         Avoid exposure to pollutants.

·         Keep hydrated

·         Supply yourself with a good amount of Vitamin E and C to brighten skin.

Turmeric contains curcumin, this is a natural ingredient that inhibits dark spots. It is also known for diminishing dark spots. Lemon juice is used as a “bleaching” treatment to lighten the skin. The milk is used as a calming treatment, a toner.


1.      Pour 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder into a small bowl

2.      Pour 1 tablespoon of milk into the small bowl as well.

3.      Add another ½ teaspoon of lemon juice and begin mixing thoroughly.

4.      Grab a cotton ball and dip it into the mix

5.      Begin to apply to your face and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes.

6.      Rinse off the mixture.
