How To: Contour according to your face shape

       We all know the struggle of contouring. It’s a difficult trend that every individual has been trying to do lately. Other than slimming the features you are insecure about, it also adds a little warmth to the dull skin you may have. Instead of looking dead, and zombie like, this method adds a little I guess you can say “life” to your skin. I’m talking to the light complexioned girls out there who can look a little washed out at times. However, this doesn’t exclude dark complexioned girls, contouring adds the chiseled cheeks and more when it comes to the skin. Aside from the basic benefits of contouring, comes the drag of actually doing it, and doing it good. Anybody can achieve contouring. However, are you doing it the right way? Every individual has a different face shape. With every different face shape, comes a different method to contouring. Some have higher cheekbones. Some have no cheekbones. Ultimately, it all comes down to your face shape. Whether it’s round, squared, oval, or heart shaped, we’ve got you covered.

Diamond Face Shape:

 A diamond face shape can have a slightly pointed chin. The face can be seen as a “long” face rather than wide. The cheekbones are also the widest point of the face, although the narrow hairline is what gives the “diamond” look.

Where you should contour:

Start at the beginning of the area below your cheekbones, where your ears are. Then proceed to draw a thin line from the middle of your ears to the middle of the cheek.

Heart Face Shape:

When it comes to a heart face shape, the chin can be more pointed. Usually those with a heart shape tend to have a widows peak at the hairline. The forehead is also said to be the widest part of the face.

Where you should contour:

The area starting from your cheekbones, all the way to the middle of your cheeks. Apply tiny lines along the sides of your forehead and your temples to minimize the “wide” look.

Oblong Face Shape:

In an oblong face shape, the forehead is wider than the chin. Rounded cheeks, but square jawline. The shape from below the forehead to just above the chin should be symmetrical.

Where you should contour:

You should begin contouring along your hairline to reduce the wideness. Because of the squared jawline, contour under the chin to achieve a more round look. Lastly, like the other face shapes, contour from the middle of your ears to the middle of your cheek as well.

Oval Face Shape:

The face is longer than it is wide. The sides of the face are evenly proportioned. There are no major points along the face.

Where you should contour:

Contour the sides of your forehead to give your hairline a narrower look. Starting from the area in the center of your ears along the cheek, to end it in the middle.

Round Face Shape:

The face is proportional. The forehead is just as wide as the chin. No major points are included as well.

Where you should contour:

With a round face shape, one should contour on the sides of the forehead to narrow down the width. As for the cheeks, begin at the middle of the ear to the middle of your cheeks, to then curving it down to the jawline to give the face slim, long appearance.  


