School Shootings
Recently, a unfortunate tragedy occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Parkland, Florida on February 14, 2018. A gunman armed with an assault rifle killed at least 17 people and injured many. Nikolas Cruz, 19 years old, shot people in the hallways and inside five classrooms. He eventually discarded the rifle, a vest, and ammunition in a stairwell, and blended in with fleeing students so the people wouldn’t see him and to get away. Later that day officers arrested him.
“In the hours after the shooting, people who knew Mr. Cruz described him as a “troubled kid” who enjoyed showing off his firearms, bragging about killing animals and whose mother would resort to calling the police to have them come to their home to try to talk some sense into him.” “The crazy stuff that he did was not right for school, and he got kicked out of school multiple times for that kind of stuff.” “They would say he would be the one to shoot up the school. Everyone predicted it,” stated The New York Times magazine.
This topic is something terrible that is happening a lot, but i don’t think that guns are the main problem. Guns aren’t the only weapons that can kill people. But I am for restrictions of weapons on school, church or business properties. The other part is that there is a lot of violence in general so people get ideas. Also, people that have mental issues or get ideas of doing these things don’t seek help.
I hope this type of situations stop so we can keep our children safe. And if you see signs about this situation you should report it and hope that nothing bad happens.
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