Shocking Florida shooting

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      Many shocking incidents are happening all over the world, however most don’t realize it until it happens directly in the United States. I’m not talking about natural disasters or a shipwreck; no, I’m talking about mass shootings. There have been many mass shootings in the U.S., but this shooting is one of the most devastating one out of all of them.
      As most people know, on February 14th, 2018 a tragic event occurred at a high school in Parkland, Florida A 19-year-old gunman, Nikolas Cruz killed 17 people and injured many more after. Cruz was an expelled former student, who was roundly armed when he began his upsetting rampage. As he got to Marjory Stonemason Douglas High School he began shooting teachers and students in hallways and inside five classrooms. After the shooting ammunition, a rifle, and a vest were found in a stairwell, he then blended in with student’s who were dashing from the incident. Cruz was caught walking down a street in Coral Springs, then arrested by police and taken into custody. It questions everyone today, why he would do such a thing, especially to high school students. These are teenagers ready to start their lives, but it was taken away.
     Cruz was an orphan due to the passing of his parents. Cruz’s mother died in November and his father died years earlier. “His mother was his entire life and when he lost her, I believe that was it for the boy’s peace of mind,” Paul Gold, a former neighbor of Cruz, told The New York Times”.“He had emotional problems and I believe he was diagnosed with autism,” Mr. Gold said of Nikolas Cruz. “He had trouble controlling his temper. He broke things. He would do that sometimes at our house when he lost his temper. But he was always very apologetic afterwards.” There was no reason, Cruz should’ve stayed home and kept the gun locked at home. Just because he had “issues” doesn’t mean it was right for him to shoot up the school. Most people who go through depression, bullying, difficult times, don’t think about shooting a school. This was uncalled for and they’re always ways around these problems. 
As a high school student, I believe, schools should input counseling classes for students who have disciplinary issues or problems within one’s self. Yeah, you might say that’s why we have counselors for, but not to be stereotypical but most people who are quiet tend to be shy, and students like that are afraid to talk to an adult for personal reasons. As to having a counseling class, students would feel more comfortable speaking to their peers. In my opinion I think this could work, kids/teens build up their anger or depression and let all their emotions out in negative ways. These classes should start at ages 10 and up. It could possibly change how the world is today. And of course, new gun laws need to be passed. 18 massacres in just the beginning of 2018 is horrible for the land of the free. Say the Legislature's Republican leadership proposed letting teachers carry a gun, however law enforcement training would have to be done prior to letting this happen. In all honesty this would help lower the limit of deadly mass murders. Students have also staged walkouts and marches to demand action on gun control. Not only should this law be passed but a proposal which strengthens gun purchase and possession restrictions for mentally ill people. "No one with mental issues should have access to a gun. It is common sense. It for their own best interest, much less the best interest of our communities," Scott said on U.S. NEWS.
It is very terrifying that this heartbreaking moment had to happen. Schools all over the U.S have been cancelling school due to threats.  As for superintendent Robert Runcie he described the shooting as an “unspeakable tragedy” representing “the worst of humanity”, “No parent should ever have to send their kids to school and have them not return”, “We’ve got to find a way for this to stop.” Indeed, we do. And for the injured, I hope they have a painless recovery. It time for this to become positive and share love with one another.
- Bianca Cavazos


